
9/2/2025 "Confusion In The Christian Life" Mr Reuben Lyons

2/2/2025 "Jesus the Team Builder" Mr Reuben Lyons

2/2/2025 "The Invisible Battle" Mr Reuben Lyons

26/1/2025 "God's Greatest Gift is Salvation" Mr Trevor Boyd

26/1/2025 "Getting Our Priorities Right" Mr Philip Robinson

19/1/2025 "Jesus' Baptism" Mr Reuben Lyons

19/1/2025 "How Are We to Triumph Over Temptations?" Mr Reuben Lyons

12/1/2025 "Jesus the Coming King" Mr Reuben Lyons

12/1/2025 "Are You A Quitting Christian?" Mr Reuben Lyons

5/1/2025 "Some Things to Remember About Storms" Mr Henry Montgomery

29/12/2024 "The Last Gospel Meeting of the Year" Mr Trevor Boyd

29/12/2024 "Micaiah – The 401st Prophet" Mr Jason Cruise

22/12/2024 "Mary, the Shepherds and the Saviour" Mr Trevor Boyd

22/12/2024 "The Visit of the Magi" Mr Jason Cruise

15/12/2024 "The Gift of the Messiah" Mr Keith Wilson